Uncertain Times

This dear friend of mind has words that are backed by a lifetime of love.

corawithacamera's Blog

Sean MacEntee / Foter / CC BYWe live in dangerous and uncertain times. We are being consistently told that terrorist attacks will soon hit the United States on a more frequent basis. Many years ago…

Source: Uncertain Times

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Miracles! The Megaphone of God (Part 1)

Rockie Sue Books

manymeez / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Wow! I thought. What an awesome story! Missionaries, cannibals, a terror-filled night, the threat of doom. This adventure had it all! I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation as Mom continued.

Scottish protestant missionaries, John G. Paton and his wife, whose lives were constantly threatened by the natives of the New Hebrides Islands of the South Pacific, were now surrounded by those same angry natives who seemed to be patiently waiting for the perfect moment to storm their house for bloody revenge. How long that night must have seemed. And these weren’t just any natives; they were the cannibals of Tanna. I shuddered as I listened to the Patons’ true story.

John and his wife must have been terrified. To my young mind it just didn’t seem fair. Here this young couple had sacrificed all…

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Hollywood’s Scopes Trial Lies

Rockie Sue Books

beautifulcataya / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

Hollywood seems intent upon rewriting history to destroy belief in the Creator and his creation. For example, if you have not had the opportunity to watch the 1960 version of The Scopes Trial, known as Inherit the Wind, you might want to check this film out from your local library. If the 1960 black and white version isn’t available, perhaps they will have the 1999 version. This movie is watched by students nationwide as an educational film in science, history, and social study classes; and the students watching it are usually led to believe that the film was based on true facts—facts surrounding the infamous Scopes Trial. If you would like a challenge, read the following true facts about the Scopes Trial before watching this movie and try to count the number of outright lies or twisting of truths you find. I promise…

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